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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Apr 2011
    Western Maryland

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice 22: In Which Two Problems Prevent Each Others' Solut

    Quote Originally Posted by AtlanteanTroll View Post
    So, I really need some help in getting over a girl.

    I asked her out, she turned me down because she was non-publicly dating someone at the time (something I didn't know until recently), I was down but I still had feelings, she became open with her relationship, I killed my feelings, and now she's single again and since it's summer we've been seeing each other more and my feelings are back. Except now they're less "Lets go to the movies" and more "I want you" and I feel horrible for having these feelings because she's a friend of mine.
    I'm not sure I see the problem here? You have feelings for her, she's single, you both apparently enjoy spending time with each other, which is a solid foundation for a relationship. What in the world is stopping you from asking her out?

    edit: Actually, let's examine this even more: You've already asked her out, but were turned down due to the fact that she was in a relationship. So she obviously already knows that you have feelings for her, yet she is having no issues whatsoever in spending time with you now that she is single. That means there is no awkwardness there, which normally there would be, which to me is a bit of a sign that she might like you as well.
    Last edited by Starwulf; 2012-06-23 at 03:38 PM.