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Thread: High School RPG: A Maid RPG Variant.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: High School RPG: A Maid RPG Variant.

    Knox recoils upon physical contact, though doesn't dare break it as Yuri holds her hands. "Um, I...." her eyes dart around in evasion as Yuri's gaze seems to drill through her. While the slightest section of her nose was barely visible through her makeshift balaclava, that pale skin seemed to flush all too clearly. Don't disappoint... She gives a deep breath, then frees one of her hands, finally yanks her entire scarf off, discarding it. Looking ponderously at the floor for a moment, her face seems all the paler in this light - corpse-like even, with only that exaggerated blush to add colour to her features. Another deep breath and she meets Yuri's gaze, trying her best to seem serious and sincere. "I think there's lots of things out there... You just need to never stop looking..." She seems oddly entranced by Yuri, her dark eyes not blinking yet seemed half-asleep as if daydreaming, her hands seeming to unconsciously dance at the straps of skirt. She opens her lips, perhaps to say something as she tips slightly closer to Yuri, when you suddenly hear a sizzling sound. Knox's eyes widen and she throws herself away from Yuri, jumping under a table and she fumbles for her scarf to cover her face once more. A small, pink mark like a bruise is on the side of her face as she clutches her cheek in shock from her shady cover. "Ah, ah! That was dumb... Sorry. I suffer albinism. It's why my eyes tend to twitch when I don't wear these contacts and my skin burns real easy... sorry, but I'm just going to be down here for a while..."
    Last edited by Princess Tracy; 2012-06-24 at 11:57 AM.