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Thread: Skyrim V: Skyrim

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Skyrim V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post
    The trick with armor is that you have to first make an ArmorAddon entry in the Items category, then select that ArmorAddon when creating the armor itself.

    Here's the easy way.

    * Install Creation Kit
    * Copy over any meshes and textures from the mod you want, but don't worry about the esp file. It's a good idea to make a note of what folders the files are in, as that makes things easier later.
    * Open Creation Kit (do this AFTER copying files over or you might not see the new textures).

    The work:
    1) Pick a piece of armor similar to what you want to make like, say, steel armor if you want to make heavy armor or something. Doesn't have to the identical, just close enough that you won't have to change a lot. Double click on the armor to open it.

    2) Change the values you want, such as weight, armor rating, value, and enchanting. Now change the ID of the armor to something unique and that you can remember. It's a popular convention to put an 'a' or two at the front so they appear at the top of the list. For instance: aaAwesomeArmor.

    3) If your armor has ground models (usually meshes with GO or _GND or something at the end of the file name) put select in the world model category. This is what they will look like if you drop them or if you look at them in the items menu.

    4) Under the world model category is a white box that looks kinda like a lined notebook, there should be a word in there, such as SteelCuirassAA. Jot that down somewhere, so you'll know where to look next.

    5) Click okay, and it should ask you if you wish to make a new form. Say yes, otherwise you'll just be editing the one you're looking at and that can cause all sorts of trouble.

    6) Go to the ArmorAddon section of items and find the EditorID you just jotted down somewhere in step 4. Double click on it to open it.

    7) This is the ArmorAddon, the actual information on the models and textures the armor uses. Change the ID like you did in step 2, putting an AA at the end of it (aaAwesomeArmorAA). This isn't completely necessary, but it helps when keeping everything straight.

    8) All the biped object and race information you could want should already be here. What you need to do is change the Biped Model and First Person meshes for males and females. Click select and find the right *.NIF folder for the mesh you want. First Person meshes generally have only the arms/gloves of the armor, which is what you'll see in first person.

    9) Close the ArmorAddon, creating the form when it asks you about it, and return to the armor you were working on. If you used aa at the beginning of the id, it should be right up at the top and easy to find.

    10) Right click on the name in the models section (SteelCuirassAA) and select delete. Click the box again and select new to open a list of ArmorAddons. Find the one you named in step 7, highlight it, and click okay. Click okay on the armor description, and save the mod.

    To see it in game without jumping through any other hoops, hit the ~ key in game to open the console menu.

    * To find the code for your item, enter the command help with the name of your armor in double quotes, like help "Awesome Armor". It will list everything in the game with that in the name, along with their code.

    * Once you have your code enter the code like this: player.additem 000F6F22 1. This would give you 1 of the item 000F6F22, which is the steel armor. Codes from mods will be different depending on what mods you have active and in what order, so this is the easiest way to find them.

    That's the basic stuff in a nut shell. You still don't have it set up to be craftable, it isn't available in shops, you can't temper it, and if you could, it doesn't know what perk would give you double the smithing bonus. I can help with that as well, if you need it, but this post is getting too long as it is.

    Hope that helps you get a running start at modding.
    Finally got some time on the compy. This was incredibly helpful, thanks! I've got it loaded in my own Skyrim. I'll see if I can figure out how to get Steam Workshop uploading figured out next.

    Err wait, interesting bug. I think I used the wrong armor body type mesh. Should I be using the thicker mesh or the thinner mesh to take account for the body scaling (or rather, how do I do that at all...)?
    Last edited by Neftren; 2012-06-24 at 09:17 PM.