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Thread: Guild Wars 2!

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    Shadow's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    A van down by the river.

    Default Re: Guild Wars 2!

    I'm in, and I'm super excited.
    Some friends from another game have a guild comprised of us, some friends of thiers, some former guildmates from other games, etc etc etc. Everyone in the guild (so far) knows at least two or three other people.
    I've had a blast in the BWEs so far. I'll probably main a Thief, Mesmer, Ele or Guardian to start, and it will probably be a Sylvari.
    We're No Quarter on Deldrimor, and my account name is Calebrus (.3802 if there end up being more than one).
    Last edited by Shadow; 2012-06-29 at 06:46 AM.