Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Eh, perhaps. But now it's body temperature is falling rapidly. He could just be sick with cold instead of heat now.

The Lizangel quickly kicked it's way off of the banks and further into the river, away from the pounding hooves of the Hippotaur. It disrobed to give itself better manuverability and to keep from getting waterlogged. It quickly swam for the surface. If it could just get into the air...

As it broke it spread it's wings and tried to flap to get into the sky, but it's wings were wet, heavy and largely useless now. Instead it took a deep breath and waited for the next attack from the now-slowed Hippotaur.
Instead of pressing its advantage, the Hippotaur plunged its blade into the river. Steam erupted forth, blanketing the area around the hippotaur in a hot white cloud.

"Why would it do that?" Nettal asked. "It had the advantage. There should have been no reason not to finish the Lizangel. You must always press the attack, or you lose momentum."

Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
The problem is most severe young one. Though I respect Kiloasa's opinion that the free will of Mortals should be protected, their actions against the souls of the dead cannot go unpunished.
Belsheroth looked Kiloasa in the eye.
Shall we strike them down together Nephew? There is no other option that I can foresee that does not involve war.

Belsheroth is offering to work with Kiloasa to lay some heavy curses on them. If he doesn't accept, Belsheroth's will do it himself, and he doesn't show mercy to those who have slighted him.
Which is good, because few people slight him.

Starting AP: 0 + 2 PAP
I agree that the Archliches have overstepped their bounds. They have ascended from doing evil unto fellow mortals and taken on the task of waging war against the gods. Something must be done about them. I would prefer that mortal affairs be handled by mortals, but this is no longer a mortal affair. They control death, which is the realm of the gods.

However, I do not think its the Goblins that are truly to blame. It is the Avaricia that are the true cause of this. Without these Daemon contracts, the Archliches could not have acted. In fact, they would all be dead, instead of undead. If we are to truly bring an end to this assault, we must bring an end to the Avaricia. Which means yet another war with Isanloff for me.
Kiloasa tried so hard to get out, to return to a peaceful state of existence, but the just kept dragging him back in.