Quote Originally Posted by Wyntonian View Post
An idea, which I've seen used to great effect in a couple places, is an "annotated" history. Like, for example, an Imperial Sunshani historian writes a report on a Torei revolt ("A horde of bloodthirsty, brutal savage Torei massacred the family of a noble and raped his wife") and then in italics there's the margin-notes of a Phoenix scholar with a differing viewpoint ("The Torei were prevented from escaping to the Vallheim, and fought their way out. On the way, they took some of the food the noble had taken as taxes.")

The reason I mention this is because although the Church of the Good God is the state religion of the Dotze Affariata, there's people within the Elect and a bunch within the common people who still covertly worship the Old Gods. There could be a history of the Nameless Prophet who brought the worship of the Good God to the Dotze Affariata, and have it annotated by a Loyalist scholar who disputes the claims.
Hm. I'm thinking that a conglomeration of letters, propaganda, sermons and such could be interesting. How expository do you want this to be? I can try for the 'these new facts do nothing but raise questions!' approach, or I could attempt to create an actual history. Personally, I'd prefer the former, because it's much more fun to write, and it doesn't require as much interference with your setting.

Also, just to make sure that I get the general gist of things (all of the following is what I could garner from forum quick search of Dotze Affariata)-

People worshiped the Old Gods, who placed emphasis on devotion to them. 200 years ago, some unnamed upstart goes around curing the sick and such, and gifts various nobles with divine right to rule. Which understandably pleases the nobles, so they try to spread the faith. Which is opposed by the unwashed masses, who liked being equal in the eyes of god.