Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Gunsforhands View Post
Regardless, you wouldn't really need that extra software for a regular map of a public area - you can just use Future Google Maps and get that for free.
Being someone who presumably wants to sneak around megacorp holdings often, you probably don't want a live feed of your location going to a megacorp. Yes, you should be able to download the info for free. It's handwavable given how cheap mapsofts are.

Quote Originally Posted by Feriority View Post
Question about mapsofts - how do they work? The basic concept seems pretty clear - you get a program, it's an interactive map of the area.

But how much area do they cover? Cities? Regions of a city? A state? It's not a physical map, there isn't a tradeoff of information density as you increase the area, just file size, right?

Also, they have a rating, and their cost scales with the rating, but I don't see anything about what that rating means. Is that how much detail there will be? How effectively they update themselves? How accurate they are?
On the very off chance that you need detail on the area, it should work like varying levels of specialization for knowledge skills. The smaller the area, the fewer hits you need to find what you want. Although personally, I'd rather skip the "a roll for everything" philosophy.

Lastly, and somewhat tenuously linked, is there anything like a program or a device that live-maps places you go to? I'm thinking of this primarily as useful on a run, where you build up a map of a building's internals as you go about the run, because that information isn't easily accessible via other means. If not, how hard would it be to make something like it in-game?
Depends entirely on how much detail you'd want. The big problem with livemapping a real place is getting the dimensions just right.