Quote Originally Posted by Elricaltovilla View Post
Kiloasa pierced the entryway with a bolt of sylvan magic and the door to Belsheroth's meditation chamber blew open with magical force. Rabid energy crackled along the length of his form. Green flames licked at the walls following his trail of destruction.

You insult me, scold me, assault my children, destroy my works, disrespect me in front of my guests, violate the sanctity of my hospitality and then flee when confronted with your crimes... and you EXPECT ME to be CALM when I speak to you?

You are an utter fool, Belsheroth. A sad, deluded clown who cannot see past his own arrogance well enough to know the difference between caution and cowardice. I have never been so insulted and offended in my life, and you expect me to stand by? I will have my blood price, from you or from your children. You will pay for the crimes you have committed and I will have my justice, mark my words.

You could have performed almost any other action and achieved better results, but instead you destroyed my greatest success. You could have simply removed the seal from the Empire and freed the souls. You could have cursed the Archliches to prevent them from geasing the land itself, to keep them from creating those seals. You could have gone with me to Isanloff and asked him to intercede with his children on behalf of the dead. Anything, ANYTHING would have been better than what you did.

My children starve and fight and riot in their homeland because of what you did. They suffer needlessly and inflict unimaginable cruelties upon each other because you did not think before you acted. What happened to your gentle touch? The philosophy I so greatly admired you for? You have lost my respect Belsheroth, and my friendship.

Until such time as you admit your wrong, to me and to the goblins who suffer because of your actions, consider us at war. Whatever you create from now on, I will destroy. Whatever you love, I will hate. Whatever you desire, I will steal it from you until you know suffering equal to that which you have caused.
The magical fury of Kiloasa pulsed, cracking the room around the two gods. He seethed and waited for a response from the Starlit Reaper.
Belsheroth still did not turn to greet Kiloasa.
I hardly fled Young One. The structure you see around you contrasts most strongly with the terrain of Geasa.
And if you are so wise, then tell me... What should I have done? Should I have allowed such abominations to continue to live and act against us? Need I remind you that they have spent three thousand years perpetrating their crimes?
We are Gods. We are capable of many things. The deed cannot be undone, but the aftermath need not continue in this way. If you care for the Goblins as much as you claim, then use your power and protect them.
Provide them with the knowledge of Divine Magic so that they may heal and protect one another.
My Clerics exist solely to provide endless guidance without my interference. Their will is their own. You would be wise to pursue a similar plan.
Now that the tumour has been cut out, the gentle care of the patient shall begin.

He crafted a small dagger of starlight and placed it on the floor before himself.

Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
The Council

Amathol lowers his head.

"It is only natural to thank Merolle for your arms and armor, metal was his first gift to the world, from his own body, indeed. To wear and wield steel is to trust your life to the Machine God, there is no greater praise for him."

Also, kinky implications for the... Excessively devout.

"Back in my day we paid the prices of the gnomes by hiring out citizens to pray at the temples. One of the advantages of them not dealing with gold, we can keep such coinage to pay for those hired to meet out their prices, an excellent deal that I am sure they have already calculated into their fees. Nonetheless, I shall send for Abbadil and return with the price within the week."

Are Sophia and Eric inside karma? Because if they are, they just broke its laws with what ammounts to genocide and accomplicity.
Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
The Council

The knight nodded, "All right, I'll hear the price before voicing any opinion on the matter."
Then it is agreed. Patriarch Amathol will commune with Abadil and provide us with the details.
We shall meet again when the promised sign appears in the sky.

Which it kind of has as I already put it in place.