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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: [Nexus] AMEN XLIV: Beware Falling Flowers


    Quote Originally Posted by ThirdEmperor View Post

    Knock knock.

    I can't be damned to dissect a dictionary for any more alliterative arrays, so, yeah, it's the Cat Burglar knocking on Maggie's door.


    Magtok peers out from behind the door, raising an eyebrow at the person on the other side. Oh crap, it's...it's that guy. Whats-his-name. The AMENite who did that...the thing, or something. Gods, Mag really needs to pay more attention to these people and stuff.

    Main Room

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnrlshrimp View Post
    [Main Room]

    "Oh, I have plenty of other animal friends elsewhere. Cedric here is simply my best friend. He's so helpful." Isabelle gives the freaky squirrel a little pat on the head, which produces a quiet contented purring sort of noise from him. "Cedric here is quite alive, as are all my animal friends. If I'm accepted as an AMENite, I would appreciate the space to bring in all my animals, of which there are quite a lot. However I realise that'd be asking quite a lot for a new member, so I'll be content to just bring in a few of my favourites, and of course any that could be of use to AMEN itself. Speaking of which, could AMEN do with any guard grizzly bears? I really like this idea, I think I'm going to make it my next project!"

    Oh dear Maggy, you're giving the lady with the freaky squirrel ideas! But at least she's being reasonable about her animals.

    Magtok squirms uncomfortably. More so than he already was because of Cedric being nearby, I mean.

    "Weeeeell, we kinda already have guard mechanical panthers. Magical mutant grizzly bears might be a bit much."

    And also a horrific accident waiting to happen. At least with the Mechano-Panthers, there's a chance of nonlethal weaponry being employed to take you down. Bears don't know the meaning of the word 'mercy', those terrible fiends.

    "If you have anything that might be able to uncover and consume any sort of spying devices that might be around. We've had, quite literally, some rats around here, and a few intelligence leaks that suggest this couch might not be quite as secure as it should be. A thorough and intensive bioform and listening device search would be expensive, especially given how often we'd have to do such a thing, but a designated minion capable of dealing with both at once could certainly come in handy. Maybe a ferret, if Cedric's head is already too full to learn any more fancy tricks."
    Last edited by Lord Magtok; 2012-07-02 at 09:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
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