Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
Free Port

The Great Voyage

Big Momma laughs, "Contract don' do much good here childe. Your word is all that matter here. Course you don' keep it I got way o' making you pay."

Kuruk gets the very unpleasant feeling that this is by no means an idle threat.

"I wanna see Free Port prosper after all."

Sandra has a problem hiding her scowl, And you with it I bet.

"O' course childe! Why else would I want Free Port to grow?"

Sandra nearly choked, "H-How did you-"

"Ah, it's nuthing special hun, I jus' read the look on your face."

Of course it may be more than excellent darkvision, body linguistics, and luck, but it's hard to tell.
"No contract?" Kuruk seemed crushed, but he recovered quickly. "I assure you my word is as good as these pearls. Now, we are looking for maps and guides to the other lands of the world, can you assist us?"

Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
Razorpine Forest

The Elthiens climbed the tree without much difficulty. Lansa sat on a branch in the background, clutching her knees to her chest with one hand, and steadying herself on another branch with the other. She was wet already, but sat behind the tree and out of the rain. Atan made himself comfortable, leaning his back against the tree with legs outstretched on the branch he sat on. There was a gap in the leaves above him, making it not the best branch for the storm, but he didn't seem to mind. Geodrick stood on his branch next to Stamyn, pushing his wet long hair out of his face. "So Kiloasa controls the weather then?" he asked "Does that make a druid... more powerful for worshiping Kiloasa?" When he mentions power, his eyes glint with interest.
"The power to control the weather is dangerous and difficult to master it. No one has ever achieved it without completing Kiloasa's test. You are far from ready for such a task." Stamyn replied. "Now, I want all three of you to work on reshaping this tree to provide better shelter from the rain. Hop to it, I don't like being wet."

Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
The Lizangel was more agile than the Hippotaur but not faster - it was caught. The flames continued to tick down the Lizangel's health as it struggled to break free.
The Hippotaur continued to squeeze the Lizangel tightly. The flames licked at both of their bodies, slowly ticking down their health, but the Lizangel's fell faster that the Hippotaur.

"Before long, the battle will be finished." Nettal said.

The Wood Of Wolves

"Alright, lets move people!" Madame Woodsworth shouted at her workers. "I want that coal out of the ground and on the rails by the end of the night. Everyone is working doubles tonight!" Her attitude was completely different from the one she had presented to King Stephen. Her eyes were cold and hard and she stood atop a platform, a whip made from bramble vines clutched in her hand. "Tell the earthshapers to get to work expanding our seams. We need to get this stuff into the storehouse as quickly as possible."