Quote Originally Posted by Jayngfet View Post
Saves would have encountered a fox eventually. She's a forrest dwelling goblin after all. As well, there's no real generally excepted way to die that doesn't scare SOMEONE. If you live to old age your body breaks down, if you get killed in battle your life gets cut short, if you get worked to death your body breaks down FASTER ect.
Not a fox, that fox. A fox that she would do something that could be interpretted as saving it. If she's just walking along in the forest and sees one before continuing on her way, then she isn't saving it.

As for Dies, neither death of old age or a quick but more or less clean death in battle sound particularly horrible to me. There are tons of ways to die, but only a small fraction of those are horrible ways to die.

Quote Originally Posted by Jayngfet View Post
The thing is you need to be very careful about that definition. I mean heck, if Saves met that fox then just left it'd have been as if she "saved" it by allowing it to live. Prophecies work by using weird definitions and wording pretty much by default. That's how pretty much every story about prophecy gets to be the way it is, simply because inevitably a bunch of people who've heard the prophecy, even word for word, get thrown a curveball they don't like.
Oh, I disagree. You don't save something by ignoring it. To save something, you have to actively do something to it. To prevent harm from coming to it. To prevent it from suffering. To do something to prevent something unpleasant from happening. I couldn't, for example, pull a gun on someone, point it at their face for a second, then put it away and claim that I just saved that person's life.

I'm not arguing that prophecies don't thrive on uncommon interpretations of their phrasing, but there are plenty of things that could've happened but didn't that would've voided both prohpecies, yet the way things played out, both were fulfilled. Coincidence? Possibly, but so far, all evidence points to prophecies being a real thing in-universe.