[Main Room]

"I guessed as much. Sorry, new ideas for new animal friends to make tend to get me rather excited. A personal grizzly friend to keep me safe at night will be useful anyway."

Isabelle ponders the new suggestion of ferrets. She's never thought of anything to do with ferrets, but then she's never really had to worry about spying devices and the like herself.

"Once I've finished my work on an animal, making further changes is...difficult. That, and little Cedric here is my dear friend, I couldn't bear to have him wandering around the base and not at my side."

How would she ever get by without her hideous demon-squirrel of doom? Maggy! How could you suggest such a thing, you fiend?

"Well, um, the technology stuff in Nexus isn't something I'm particularly familiar with, so I might need a few pointers with this one. But it should be easy enough to adjust a ferret so its teeth are capable of biting through much tougher stuff, and allow its digestive system to handle such a thing. I'd have to improve its hearing too so it could listen in on conversations more easily. The major challenge I suppose would be giving the little thing enough of an intelligence boost that it can carry out such a complicated task. I might have to make separate ferrets for listening and rat-catching. "