Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Asmodeus View Post
Vargull, Avaricia

"I don't see why these goals need be mutually exclusive. The people of the north, in the free cities, in the lands of the goblins, they think they know suffering now, but what about when the Tyrants send all of their resources to hold to what little they have, leaving their people to starve, what about the free peoples, their homes have been a warground now, how about when the wyrms, and the lycanthropes, and the sorcerors come south to ravage their lands once more? What about when the Knights come to the Goblin lands, how will they know friend from foe, innocent from villain? And in all these places, more will take refuge in paradise... but even then, some will hold on, some will stay behind, some will cling to what they have. Who better to care for those who are left behind, than those most virtuous of souls in the Calsanctium, and of the Knights Orders, those who forsake their own happiness to ensure others do not suffer? It's a win win, but it will be hard fought, and some of those knights might need some... help, prosecuting their grand crusade to unify the world and end suffering, once and for all."
Nobel goals indeed, but what would you have us do? We must remain neutral so any could turn to us in their time of despair and seek salvation. If we help, then it must be behind the shadows. Hidden in the wind.