
If each of you check you will all be missing something minor, as this is the prologue there will be no rolling. Remember You still start with everything you purchased, as that happens after these events.
When the others notice their possessions missing, Shiny checks his pockets and shrugs. "Nope, nothing gone." He gives a sly wink to the nearby urchin whom he notices pocketing one of his platinum pieces.

Shiny has traveled a long way with his companions, but while his boots show a little wear, his face and eyes are overflowing with energy. At 3'7", he's very tall for gnome, and despite his young age his hair and beard are an unnatural white. Still, his charm and endless enthusiasm give him a certain attractiveness.

When Nuts and Mithril leave, Shiny gives a couple of eager hops and then spins around to face Kurt. "Time to spend some of this gold weighing us down!" He bounds his way off to find a store willing to trade with a gnome and a dwarf.