I'm getting somewhat restless - it's good news, but frustrating nonetheless. As I mentioned here a few months back, I started an OKC profile earlier this year. As expected, lots of messages went out, none came back. Well, that changed this past weekend - got a reply from the latest girl I had messaged (albeit 10 days after my initial message, so I had written it off already in my mind), and we exchanged a few long (3-5 paragraphs) messages before I gave her my number and asked her if she wanted to watch the fireworks. It was short notice (that message went out Tuesday morning), but she texted me within ~20 minutes of sending that message (she wanted to , but see next sentence), and we've swapped a few texts since then. However, here's the frustrating part - she's currently in Cincinnati for a choir competition with a choir she student-taught, so I'm stuck with waiting for her to return before we can meet up (obviously).

I realize that it's likely that she's busy with the choir thing,* which would explain why she hasn't initiated any messages since Tuesday. She has, however, responded to the couple texts I've sent her fairly quickly (<10 minutes each time**).

Yay mixed levels of happiness and success regarding this whole thing.

* For anyone curious or who might know something more: it's the World Choir Games, which I had never heard of, but is a 10-day international event that started on the 4th.

** I've only sent her a text unprompted once a day, both asking about how/whether something she'd mentioned went, for all of 2 days; I'm hoping that remains in the "not being overly needy" category. Goal is to remain on her radar (may not really require effort on my part, given how the exchanges have gone) without seeming needy or similar.