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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Fertile Valley
    Posting mainly to myself for now; this something that I need to do before Kipt becomes a lesser deity, and better done earlier. Just want to establish a character or two for later use is all.

    At the time when the divine afterparty terminated, Kipt thought This has been great, but I still haven't seen my children since I awoke. I wonder how they have been doing.
    Kipt looked upon the Fertile Valley, and it saddened him in a nostalgic way. Everything was the same, yet different. They were still his people, and they still loved him, but he didn't know them. He watched Cera for a bit, and saw the Lloyas come and go. That gladdened him at least; that his invitation had gone so well, and that Elthiens were making new friends. He would have to look into the concept of Rangers more, later, but that would have to wait. No, rangers likely wanted nothing to do with him anyways.
    What of Tallier? he suddenly thought. What happened to him who was first to lead his race? He served me so well... What became of him? Kipt picked Cera's mind for history about the subject, and filled in the blanks in his own mind about the ice age.

    As it turns out, after their druid training, Tallier began to fall for Lita, leaving Pala slightly envious. They were only happy together for a short while before the ice age struck. They began to differ in opinions on many things, which led to fighting between them. Lita ended up leaving him and the Fertile Valley to become the first ranger; she was followed by many others. During the ice age, Pala did her best to care for the sick and needy. Tallier, in turn, did his best to lead his people, and was able to get them through it. Putting the greater good before themselves, both of them became Archliches. After years of sharing immortality, they began to love each other. Tallier died tragically after falling to his death form a hippogriff while leading an exploration of mountains that would later become Monte Mora. Pala could not bear to live forever after that.
    That was enough history for now. It saddened Kipt more how trying a time the ice age had been, and how he had been sent to stop it, but failed. Yet Kipt was never one to dwell on the negative too long- a new thought was forming in his head. Did... Tallier have any surviving heirs? he thought. Family had always been important to him.
    After inspecting all of the Elthiens living in the Fertile Valley, Kipt decided that one girl must be a descendant of Tallier. only one he thought, more sadness overcoming him. no he told himself I will not allow myself to be saddened any more. Then, he took mortal form and was with her.

    Kipt took the form of a muscular Elthien with fire eyes, the same as Tallier's orange, and hers as well. The evening was beginning to fall, and there was a beautiful sun setting as he approached her hut. She was living alone as a simple woodworker, old enough that she had no family left. Yet she still retained a certain beauty about her. She had retired to her hut, the day being over, and was surprised when she came to the door after Kipt knocked. "Hello" she inquired "Do I know you?" "My name is Tikip, and I come from somewhere very far away." Kipt responded, charmingly. It was not a complete lie that he was from somewhere very far away. She looked very contemplative and curious "Yet I feel that I know you somehow. I am Milie."
    She moved inside, and ushered Kipt in with her. "Say, where are you from, stranger Tikip? Are you a Ranger, or citizen of Monte Mora? Are you a wargoer, now returning?" Kipt smiled slightly and said "I am from from farther away than you could know." The two of them are now sitting very close, and Milie extends her neck towards him, whispering "Then why do I feel like I know you so well?" This was just the thing to cheer Kipt up for good from his post-sleep failure blues. Kipt reacts accordingly, and the two kiss. One thing leads to another.

    About one year later: Milie is with newborn child and without father. Jewel, so the child is called for her eyes that shine as like fire opals, is a bright youth. She is an Elthien born with glitter wings; a recessive trait that died out during the time skip. Some people would rather shun that child for having a scum father. Others believe Milie's tale to an extent, and some believe -by rearranging the letters in "Tikip" that she is a daughter of Kipt.
    Last edited by AvocadoAvenger; 2012-07-08 at 11:12 AM.