Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
The restore the millions slain to life. You have the power and Lord Belsheroth cannot stop you. But do not expect their memories to remain intact. One of my brethren looked long ago into the potential of souls being reborn in an attempt to fix the system and make the cycle work, but he determined that a soul cannot be restored to a body of the proper age and would have to be carried to term and be reborn.
The placing of a fully formed mind into one that has not yet even begun to grow results in irreversible fragmentation of the memory. Our father was sceptical and believed that such a system could be subverted for purposes of evil.

Anzhela watched Kiloasa's illusion. And that was all it was.
An idealist's dream.
She said this with a scathing tone.
You would doom all reality? Souls have weight My Lord. Proven mathematically beyond a doubt by the mortal Henry Ford.
If we allow souls to remain on Ashkharh for too long, then the problem that results will solve itself as Geasa falls from the heavens and destroys everything living.

She did not think she'd have to explain physics to a God...
Go ask Merolle. He will tell you that the orbit of the Rings relies directly upon the weight of Ashkharh and the Dark Moon to remain practically constant. If the weight of Ashkharh increases too much, then that system will fail. The Gnomes might save Geasa only for the Dark Moon to crash through the heavens.
She sighed.
They will have to weight until their loved ones die and can truly join them. A soul's hardships on the mortal world are too difficult to describe. At least in the Forests they can have rest.
They do not suffer. The Forests are eternal and infinite. But you would not know that, you have been there only once. And that was millennia ago...

Souls are not crammed into the Forests like sardines and Hell is not permanent unless you've done something really bad.
And by being sent there, to places physically separate from the mortal world, the excess energy from the souls can't affect things too much.
Thus her objections to people remaining is a result of science. Souls have energy, and because souls can be created from nothing, they increase the total energy of Ashkharh, thus increasing its mass.
And when its mass increases too much, the stable orbits of the Rings of Geasa and the Dark Moon will destabilise and someone will have to readjust the entire system to compensate. And they'll have to do it over and over again...
There's also the thing with the model (a metaphor for the Universe as you've already guessed). She showed it to Kiloasa in the hopes that he would fix it so it doesn't wind down, or so that when it did wind down it would rewind itself.
Divine laziness on Belsheroth's part.
Unfortunately, Anzhela... infinity does not exist. The Starlight Forests will soon become overcrowded and then collaps in upon themselves, just as you fear will happen to Creation. Kiloasa replied. And I would not have had to consider restoring the goblins to life if Belsheroth had merely heeded my request for caution. He acted immediately and fiercely to protect that which he governs, and his action caused untold damage to that which I govern. However, when I react similarly to how Belsheroth reacted, you would paint me as a villain. If I am a villain, then so is Belsheroth. But only one of us will admit to it, and only one of us is taking responsibility for the damage caused by their actions. If that were not the case, you would not be standing here now.

Even if your fears about Geasa and the Dark Moon crashing into the world are true, the problem will not cease by sending souls elswhere. The world's population continues to increase. And each new body has a new soul. It is only a matter of time before the mass of Creation grows too great for Geasa to withstand.

Have you ever even spoken with the souls you ferry from Creation to their afterlife? I think not. It would do you well to speak with them. For too long the gods have decided the fate of mortals without thought or concern for their wishes and desires. I will change that, and you will help me. Go among the souls in the Forest and in Hell. Ask of them their desires, gather all the information you can. Then return to me with your findings.

Kiloasa might just be trying to get rid of Anzhela here, but he does intend to find out what mortals really want.

Also, to point out a few things that seem to be ignored: Hell is currently permanent, it was one of the last things Mynxae did before his latest hiatus. Also, the souls in hell are used to power soul magic, not mortal ghosts. Why hasn't Belsheroth done anything about this yet?

Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
D. Construct

Ombra stood as the game declared the fight over. The Limit break had not killed the creature, but HT wants to move on and isn't feeling very creative right now, sorry the Hippotaur's natural strength had overwhelmed the winged repitilian humanoid.

Ombra crossed his arms. I have work to do, but before I go, I believe I owe you an infusion of power. He held out an arm.
"Yes, that was the agreement, wasn't it?" Nettal took Ombra's hand. "This was fun. We should do it again sometime."

Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
Free Port-Explorer's Guild

Hans doesn't hesitate and hands over several forged passports (truly quality forgeries), "No need to worry, that's part of the standard package. As far as safety goes, you can't do better than Elthien lands. Monte Mora is the port's name and they as a people are very open to trade."

He coughs, "Among other things."

Sandra grimaces, "That's not something we needed to know."
"Sandra. This man is trying to help us." Kuruk chided the young knight. "Any more specific information you can give us would be greatly appreciated. This is going to be a long journey for us, and we need all the help we can get."

Quote Originally Posted by mattsdelf View Post

The Destroyed Lokab Empire.

Tresingiis knew that he, as a god, should not be completely responsible for capturing that which hated the gods. He should let mortals help mortals. Besides, no one being can reform an entire society. If he personally claimed the new nation, it would just be the gods overthrowing resistance, it would lead to silence, and forced obedience. He also knew that he had to fix the problem that he was created to fix, and to bring prosperity to a plagued land. Many things burdened him as they approached what remains of the Lokab Empire. For this reason, when they arrived, Tresingiis let Reddulch lead into the capitol, and Tresingiis himself helped with the destroyed land, and other goblins.

The Lokab Capitol

The cities burned, smoke rose above the buildings. Goblins panicked, running amuck in the street. Crimes of all sorts took place, burglary, arson, murder, rape, gangs formed in this broken wasteland. When the division arrived in the city, there where many things happening. They saw groups of wildlings struggling to keep groups of goblins in line. They saw a woman have the blessed fruit Tresingiis made taken from her. They saw lines of goblins running from building to building. A city in ruins.

Reddulch said to his division, " Split up, split up all over. Let the wildlings help you keep order, make sure nobody else is mugged, or killed. We will gather all of the remaining goblins up, and march them out of the city. We will have all of them stand outside the city, and we will speak to them from of things to come. There will be an assembly of all the goblins in the city. We will organize them, feed them, give them water. This rain is putting the fires out already."

With that, they split up.

The Lokab Outskirts

Tresingiis already had reorganized many small groups of the goblins. He was moving from circle to circle, and the thousands of Cretaum where rolling over the sand. It wasn't so bad out here. We already have groups of three Cretaum apiece using their knowledge and power to heal each little enclave in the desert. They had an active team collecting the fruit scattered on the desert, and bringing it in, to be used to heal and to feed. The rain was cooling off the overheating desert, which made the enclaves cool, full of food and water, and a little safer. It was good, though Tresingiis wondered how Reddulch was doing in the capitol, and there was much more of the desert to go.

To be continued in the morning. Plus, if anyone wants to roleplay something in any of this, or want a specific thing to happen, feel free to do so. I hope I'm not godmodding. I feel like all of the quotes in the spoiler above should help understand this and the next couple posts. It's also a good thing to have in the beginning of part II.
Goblin refugees were lined up for nearly a mile to try and get some of the food that the Cretaumfolk had brought. Hundreds of thousands of starving men, women and children waiting impatiently for their best chance at survival. Glick had been in line for almost twelve hours when she made it to the front.

"Thank you, thank you thank you!" she said to the strange Cretaumfolk who had arrived from seemingly nowhere. "You have saved me, saved us all. We are in your debt." She took her ration of food and water and left the line.

Glick ran among the destroyed, crumbling buildings to her safe spot. It was a hole in a wall, literally. But it was cool and dark and no one else knew about it. That's what she thought, until she got there.

"Hey li'l miss. Gimme your food." A big, ugly goblin with one eye said. The burned scar of a geas mark was apparent on his forehead.

"Please, it's mine. You can't take it, I'll starve." She begged.

"Ha! Some goblin you are!" The geas-freed goblin replied. he pushed her to the ground and took the food. Glick jumped up straight away and bit the bigger goblin on the shoulder.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed. The big goblin threw Glick against the wall and pinned her there with one arm. His other hand held a knife at her throat. Glick swallowed hard.

This might be a good time to have a Cretaumfolk Guard come along to save the day