Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
I think I do. My nerves hang in pieces at the slightest bit of stress, I have to work hard not to freak out just by someone talking to me on the street. And I find it really hard to participate in chats on the Internet for the same reason.

My reasoning was that my mathematical knowledge really falls under Science for the most part. Academics is the, well, academic study of it, which I sadly did for only a brief time at university and haven't really kept up.

I did exceptionally well in high school, tied with a friend for highest score of the school on our finals. But since then I've done exceptionally poorly, to be completely honest.
I think you're being really hard on yourself without regards to the WoD system's assumptions. Having one dot in a thing is ridiculously easy to get and essentially means you're not a complete dunderhead in the topic. Having two dots is what any average human off the street would have.

I know some outright incapable people. People who freak out at the idea of posting on a thread on the internet. People who block users and vanish from entire forums if they're mildly offended one time. I don't think you'd rate yourself at the bottom if you knew some of the people I know. I certainly don't rate you anywhere near it.

I've been thinking of taking your "draw something every day, no excuses" and applying it to this particular problem, but then something always distracts me from getting started.
With that challenge you gotta realise that there's never going to be a better day than today. You can half ass it today, but you'll have done it. That's the most important thing.

Well, that's all in the "sorta, I guess" realm. Not very convincing, really.
That's why it's only one dot. One dot is 'novice'.

Also I'm not sure how much my dA reputation counts for, most of my watchers are probably just ... well, watching for the occasional art and may not even read anything I post in my journal for example.
Counts for a dot.

I suppose, maybe. I do think there's a major difference between how you act and appear on the internet, and how you do in the real world.
Being able to appear and act differently on the internet compared to how you are in reality is the sign of a few dots in Manipulation at least You've certainly fooled me into believing you're a charming and articulate young man.