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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft Thread X: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the ... SSSSSSSS

    Quote Originally Posted by Phhase View Post
    Did anyone even look at my airship >.< I see the judges lied when they said they wanted more functionality. Anyway, could an admin copy and paste my ship to above the cloud layer above my desert area? Thanks.
    I did enjoy your ship and the great depth you had built in. It was a joy to explore. I gave it full marks in that category despite the fact it caught on fire. (may want to fix that before it is moved from a fire protected area, unless you built the whole thing out of half slabs.)
    And, just fyi, the cannons are not functional. you need water to prevent tnt blowing up the deck when it fires.
    Wonderful redstone mechanisms. Thank-you for that.

    However, the full marks of one category did not erase the poor score in another category, the use of the secret ingredient.

    I stand by my score.
    Last edited by Forbiddenwar; 2012-07-09 at 11:23 AM.