Quote Originally Posted by Shnezz View Post
Man, oh man, have I got a list of these.

Have the level one characters escort a cravan to a town (cliche, I know). The owner then gives them a bank note to take to "The big E.V.I.L. building, in the middle of town." Scares them silly, until they realize it's the "Everyday Villiager's Investment & Loans. E.V.I.L."

Have one character look in the mirror, watch his reflection commit suicide, then don't give him a reflection for the rest of the campign. And then don't explain why. Ever.

Have a character walk up to them on the street, and ask if they can wear the PC's shoes, "just in case."

Name your inn "The Chipper Mudskipper". My players refuse to sleep there, because they assume anything that happy in my setting must be a trap. (Which is wise, since I have an entire plotline set up for the first time they give in and sleep there, but that's beside the point.)

Give them a "Scroll of Locate Hands". They can't resist trying it. Have it announce in a booming voice "On the ends of your arms!" and have that be it.

Give them a massive, bronze key. Make it weigh like 75lbs or something insane. Watch them lug it around forever, because 'It will come in handy eventually!'

Edit: Oh, and a bowl of fresh fruit in the dungeon entrance. Every time.
I want to play with you... You and I.... our Humor would get along swimmingly. :)