Former Lokab Empire, Desert
The seraphic figure sighed. "I am Sofía. I lived three thousand years ago in the city that was the capital of the Lokab Empire. I lived at a time where the leaders hated the gods, not believing in them. A few faithful prayed in secret to them, for glory and hope and renewal and forgiveness."
Her wings dropped slightly.
"I was one of them. They sent a team to capture me, and I tried to fight. But I was just a young girl, and they were huge and terrifying, and they had nets..."
"I was taken to the High Inquisitor, who almost tortured me to death. I let slip the information that there were others who were still faithful. He had power... He branded me, forced me against my will to lure all of the faithful to one place. Then, he killed them all, their families, and mine. And he let me go, to wander to a broken death in the desert."
"Aquaeris took mercy on me, and, dirtying his immortal hands, lifted me up and gave me new wings and grace and life. I am one of the Tears of Aquaeris. Those that die wronged are taken by us and given unaging life in the Beaty and art of the Sunken Palaces, and given the task of helping those in hardship. Aquaeris is noble, and he sees nobility. He is coming."

And the air shimmered as, with gentle blue light, Aquaeris sunk to the ground, as a winged human, but ancient and wise.
"Hello. Tell me, who art thee, and what is thy race? Thy noble deeds will not go unrewarded."