
Daniel slowly and calmly reaches into his bag and takes out them good ol' sunglasses. Whether he thinks they'll actually help against mind control or he just feels the need to look cooler is a mystery. He lowers them a bit and eyelocks Sandy.

"She loves you, Sandy. I can tell. You're eachother's world. Find your strength. Fight for her." While he says this, he circles around a bit so that Sandy's back is facing the floor above. When he's finished with his brief 'I know you're in there speech', he charges...upward, leaping up and then springing off Sandy's head for the extra lift to get him to the next level.

Depending on whether he lands in front of or behind Zephyr, he either stabs down on his plot hard with the other stake to slow him, or spin kicks again, going for a kick-twist-stab to the face combo.