Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
I have absolutely no faith in the sustainability of PBPs. My games started number is somewhere around fifty while my games finished tally stands at three.

Those three games that finished were so utterly amazing that I keep ramming my head against this same wall. If I have to go through twenty failed games to get to one successful one it's worth it.
Like I said. Like hell I can't!
Although that doesn't make as much sense as maybe ten minutes ago. Definitely bedtime.

Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
We're in convinced territory now. I have notes and a name. The name's a secret though, at least until I make an OOC thread.

Actually, if we're good here, can I get a finalized list of who's playing in this game? I'll get a thread up for discussion in several hours maybe, and then you can all try to learn the rules or we can arrange some chat times or whatever to discuss the rules (you should all spam Thanqol. Do it).

As far as length, I have a single, somewhat contained adventure planned, but beyond that and assuming I don't TPK you all you'll be pretty much free to do what you want within the setting. Party bus to closest big city totally acceptable.
Myself, Brazen shield as the person I fill in every day since I gush about these things anyway, forum explorer, Amish pirate, Soras Teva gee. And presumably Thanqol? But I think he is currently awaiting a game of mage.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
You and everyone else.
darn tootin. Hell, even white Wolf is ripping you off! With their practical experience in Hunter: the vigil. "every time something that an experience happens you get experience."

There is something wrong with the industry that this feels novel XD


Lix; I have read your stuff; perfectly okay with you writing more ;)