Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
That's terrible, although it is possible that it was just her state of mind exaggerating things and seeing stuff that wasn't there. If someone's ever uncomfortable with a doctor for any reason, though, it's perfectly okay to find a different one.
Wellp, at least you know you're both very fertile... <.< You've just gotta be there for her as best you can, and for the love of GOD don't do it again! Seriously, she should look into getting the Implant (I'd suggest the Pill as well, but... well, for your own states of mind, I think a contraceptive that's extremely effective (better than surgical sterilisation) and requires absolutely nothing from the person in question in order to work is probably the best option).
Whereas I'd recommend pill instead of implant, but that's just because pill is less terrifying to me than implant. Also a lot easier to get the pill than the implant, and certainly here it's free for people under... 25, I believe, to get the pill.