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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: It's Morphin' Time! (3.P Base Class/Archetypes) (WIP)

    still think being able to outright say no to about 5 things a day is broken beyond reason.

    especially since its not an answer to save or dies. not as much as its a f**k you to people who spend abilities they can;t do infinatly against you and just have them fail imediatly with no other option.

    and if its to be the only answer to save or dies then it should be for everyone, not at the end of an ability chain.

    also, as I said on the pirate pad, don't let people use it after determining the effect of the thing their teleporting away from. because right now they can take a SoD, fail the save then use their imediate action to entierly negate it

    and if its supposed to sheild against SoD, then why not make the ability be immunity to SoDs and the like, not effectie immunity to melee combat and maybe working against SoDs occassionally, if you can ump out of their AoE range (which with 20ft, you probably can't...)
    Last edited by BlackestOfMages; 2012-07-11 at 02:34 PM.