Free Port - Probing the mind of the Blur

Fortunately, Nureen is made of tougher stuff.
But still, it took most of her freewill to not just crush the Blur's mind in order to end the pain.
I can feel at least two dozen of them...
But I can't give you their location other than that they're in this city somewhere.

She removed her hand from the Blur's shoulder.
You can kill it when you're done your interrogation Doctor, because I do not think I can do that again.
Just make sure you cut out its heart afterwards. I'll need that.

She shudders, consciously repressing the memories of the darker parts of the minds she touched. No harder than any other group of murderers.

Assuming of course that the Blurs she was briefly in contact with were murderers at one point.
And yes, she is repressing the memory on purpose. It's how she stays sane after exposing her mind to the kinds of things that make sane people go crazy.