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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Xondoure View Post

    As the nature god spoke the serpent spread jam over a biscuit and munched upon it perhaps a bit too loudly. As he finished Reisen sighed with pleasure.

    "If you would read the note so kindly presented to you not three seconds before you started speaking you would realize you were simply invited late." Reisen said in a rather cheerful tone. "Of course that's no excuse for being late yourself! And yes I am quite delighted to be meeting you. I'm glad that you've met my children. It's good that they start making friends. They must get their social skills from their mother... Oh no that can't be right, I am their mother. Ah well. Now where was I? Oh yes, how many lumps of sugar?"
    No sugar will be necessary, thank you. Kiloasa sipped at his tea, off in some other corner of the Mistlands a part of him was yelling at the Belsherai again, and still another part was silently and invisibly perusing the books Anzhela had brought him. The limited information she had gathered confirmed his own theories, nearly a third of the dead souls in the Starlight Forest would seriously consider returning to Creation over the afterlife they currently lived. I wonder, Reisen. What is your opinion on the current state of divine affairs? The schism between the gods is obvious, but you seem to leap across it with abandon. So tell me, was I wrong to avenge those of my children who suffered at the hands of an uncaring and uncontrolled god of death? What can be done to bridge the gap between the Guardians and the Directors?

    Sorry Ele, but you never specified how many souls would want to go back to Creation, so I did. And thems the breaks. It'll probably be a lot higher in Hell too. Although I think Anzhela should be more concerned with the "trapping souls in hell and using them to power vile magics on earth, thus ending their immortal afterlife" thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    King Stephen raised his hand to stop her speaking.
    Madame Woodsworth. I have done everything I can.
    I have written the letter of recommendation you requested which right now sits on my desk in Snow Haven.
    I handed over to you the Wood of Wolves.
    And I have ordered that every time prayers and offerings are made at an event under my control that Kiloasa is included.
    If the High Ecclesiarch has willingly and knowingly snubbed Kiloasa, then I shall make an appointment to speak with him. But know this... Worship of Kiloasa is already very uncommon throughout the Kingdom. No temples and few shrines are consecrated to him and there is no clergy or priesthood to do his work. He is invoked before and after the harvest and whenever an individual goes hunting.
    I cannot, and will not, make any laws to the effect of altering religion for fear of destroying the fragile harmony of the Kingdom.
    But, as I said, I shall make an appointment to see the "old windbag", who is younger than I am by the way. You may come along to address your grievances, and before hand, we shall kneel at the High Altar of the Guardian Temple and afterwards admire the finely woven banner of Lord Kiloasa that hangs on the wall behind it.

    What on Earth did this woman want?

    At this rate... Um... The King can't do anything about the High Ecclesiarch. That position is proclaimed by divine herald...
    But she can kill Nameth if you want her too and seize the Temple, tear down everything that venerates a god that isn't Kiloasa and plunder the vaults and reliquaries below. Just make sure no one gets to the bell tower.
    Just note... That such an act of desecration will not go unpunished when Belsheroth finishes recuperating.
    "The druids are his priesthood, King Stephen. I thought that was obvious. Every tree is a shrine to the Treefather, every hunt is a song sung in his glory. But no one in Calasanctium knows this or acknowledges it. They use and abuse the gifts he offers them with abandon, and we druids act continuously to protect the world that the rest of you so wantonly destroy. Priesthoods are nothing but a political force and one that acts against you at every turn. Shouldn't you care more about the way the clergy acts? They undermine and divert your authority at every turn and wrest the control of the kingdom from your very hands. Why should you let them get away with this? You wear the crown, not them. I'm sure that if you just showed a little more backbone you'd have a lot more political clout, and I'm here to help you find that backbone, King Stephen. So why don't we go speak with the old windbag together and see what we can do to correct this unfortunate power gap. You know, this reminds me of when my first husband died... You see, he worked in one of the coal mines and one day he came up with this..." Never seeming to run out of breath, Lady Woodsworth's words drone on and on, but something is different about her tone of voice. A little wheedling sound, just at the edge of hearing creeps into her voice. It seems almost like her words are pushing Stephen's mind along a certain path, one he might not have considered normally.

    She's using some really high level druid magic to influence Stephen's decision making processes. Charm Person kind of stuff.

    Freeport- The Cloak and Dagger

    "I'm sure your establishment is as fine as the most wondorous Inns of Old Calasanctium." Kuruk said by way of apology. He headed up the stairs with the knights in tow. Turning the key, he entered their room and immediately began inspecting it for spyholes, traps and any dangerous or out of place objects.

    The Mistlands

    The last part of Kiloasa was busy working on a new blessing, something that would help people find their own way in the world. True happiness came from the journey, not the destination. Only those who truly dedicated themselves to a task would reap the highest skills of their art form. It was time for hard work to really pay off.

    When the blessing was completed and cast, Kiloasa felt another surge of power. He was stronger now than he'd ever been before.

    Starting AP: 3 PAP: 0+1 (rollover)
    Bless Amor Libertatis: 1 AP
    "Hard work really works" Those who truly dedicate themselves to a task will see real, tangible increases in their skills, far beyond that of any others. A person's dedication to a specific art, from smithing to painting to hunting to magic of any kind will show a strong positive correlation to their skill. This only applies to followers of Amor Libertatis.
    Gain Domain: 2 AP 1 PAP Freedom(Opportunity)
    Create Concept- 1 AP Amor Libertatis
    Bless- 1AP Wedding between Floewyr and Akir Sharkslayer
    Create Life- 1 AP Medicinal Plants
    Create Concept- 1 AP Boardgames
    Bless- 1 AP Kuruk's sea voyage will be especially lucky and prosperous.
    Create Life- 1 AP Ghosts
    Bless Amor Libertatis- 1 AP

    Final AP: 0 PAP: 0