Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
[COLOR="Teal"]Melody shakes her head. She's never minded those questions - would perhaps consider Vesa a friend, if she could say so without getting patched. "One. I'll tell you about him later. Not enough rich folks near here that need a bodyguard. I'm supposed to go walkin' the Blue Zone soon, though. Should be fun," Melody smiles, and the sheen is almost blinding. She does seem to... enjoy her work? It's not hard to, when you're programmed to act that way. Then, as she always does, Melody asks, "So when you gonna sign up for the Escorts, Vesa?" It's practically become a ritual, with her. It's not a directive, she has no special need to induct new Revs into the fold. The Company would do that for her.
Vesa shakes her head. I am perfectly content with my current assignment, thank you.
I really don't think I'd be able to handle the... enhancements I'd need for the job.
One Sensacle gestures to Melody's chest. And coital relationships, from what I've seen, make very little sense.
... But thank you for the thought, again.