Quote Originally Posted by TechnOkami View Post
Most of all, however, I think I'm scared. Even if I get an Art degree, will I be able to make money at it? Will it let me make a living for myself? I honestly don't know, but I fear most that my life will come crashing down around me if I pursue what I truly want to do, and I won't be able to get up afterwards. I know this sounds (defeatist?), but it's how I honestly feel at this moment with my life. Even though I see a direction of sorts that I can finally start stepping towards, I'm scared stiff that I "won't make it" sort to speak.
I don't know many people who got a degree in the general area of "Art", but I do know 1 person who graduated with me who got her degree in graphic design. She got a job fairly quickly in the LA area and is really enjoying herself. I also have a family friend who does stained glass work from her garage, and while I don't know how successful she is, I know that she enjoys what she does and they have a comfortable life (her husband works in construction, if I recall correctly).

Looking forward to what you want to do after you graduate is probably the best way to figure out what degree(s) will be helpful towards that end. If you can find someone who works in a field that is at least close to what you want to do, ask them about how they got there, what the pros and cons of what they're doing is, if they have any advice on getting somewhere similar, etc. A career services center at your university will likely be able to help you as well, although their direct knowledge of any given field is almost guaranteed to be lower than someone who's in that field. They might be able to get you in contact with someone, however.