I did a few tweaks. I had a few feats mixed up with an earlier version, and I added a clause to the end of her Immortality.

Quote Originally Posted by Grimsage Matt View Post
I like this. Might use it in one of my campains.
Quote Originally Posted by Steward View Post
The descriptive text is phenomenal. You tell a really compelling story with so few words!
Glad you guys like it.

I really like her Warding Soul ability. Can she use it on more than one object/place at a time, or does each new usage break her magical link to whatever she was guarding before that?
She can ward as many places/things as she wants to at a time. Just keep in mind that she takes her job very seriously. If she doesn't think she'll be able to truly protect something, or if she thinks something isn't worth protecting, she won't ward it. Doing so would be a fundamental infraction upon her very core beliefs, on par with Gandhi suddenly deciding to run naked through the street shooting up pedestrians with an automatic weapon. Its just not something she does, even if she might be able to use it for, say, espionage purposes.

This did remind me to add another few lines to the end of that ability, though.

Neat! So does that mean that Sondak herself is vulnerable to its effect? I mean, if she's ever killed a thief in order to repossess her stolen property, she's clearly violating this aspect of the Thiefbutcher's effect.
Well, that's assuming anyone has ever succeeding in taking something she was guarding. Still, she would qualify for the fact that she's probably slain adventurers and then taken their stuff to add to her own private holdings. The people who don't qualify are going to be stuff like folks with a vow of poverty or... people who go to work in the morning and work a regular job for a standard wage. Which, admittedly, is truly a rare thing in a D&D setting.

Perhaps an adventurer who has only ever slain zombies, mindless golems, and such, might sneak by? I don't think you technically own something if you aren't self-aware.