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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Kolare's Apothecary--Cassan Bridge, Middle Menthis Plateau

    A nearby watchman comes into the room at Rayne's beckoning and opens the corpses hand. As he exerts force on it, you hear the sicking popping sound of the deadlocked bones breaking. "Wasn't me," the guard grunts with a nonchalant shrug. As the victim's hand uncurls, a small vial of sky-blue liquid rolls out and onto the floor: clearly a potion of some stripe.

    Spellcraft DC 25 to open:
    The sky-blue color comes from the Cerulean Root, or "Cloudless Sky" as it's known on the street. It is an extract used in the preparation of Modify Memory, though this seems to be a weaker version that allows it to be delivered in a potable form.

    As Rayne ventures out into the street, you hear the din of the crowd crash in like a wave on Cliffside. The journalists have come, greedy savages. Some members of the Watch are attempting to rope off the storefront to keep the crowd out, but the inquisitive ventures bravely into the fray.
    Last edited by OMG PONIES; 2012-07-16 at 04:54 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaz View Post
    Ponies, the Kim Karsdashian of GITP.
    This is what happens when they let me DM:
    Beyond the Horizon IC / OOC
    A Time to Die: Alpha IC / Bravo IC / OOC