Quote Originally Posted by Kaun View Post
Q1: Does anybody else have issues with a group that over complicates everything?
Not outside of runs, no.

Q2: Certified credsticks where and when they can be used?
Personally, I view them as something between a Money Order and PayPal. One of the great things about PayPal is that you don't share your contact data with the person you're transacting with... you just share it with your trusted intermediary (PayPal), who takes care of the security stuff for you. I don't have to give money to Apple... I give money to PayPal, who gives money to Apple.

Likewise, they share some characteristics with money orders, which are pretty damn anonymous in this day and age. I walk into Wal-mart, plunk down $101, and I can walk out with a $100 money order. Anyone I give that money order to can deposit it at their bank, or go to a check-cashing place and get their $95.

In SR, I imagine a lot of it works in currency exchanges. Sure, you got paid 100 nuyen, but if I use that 100 nuyen to buy 98 nuyen worth of Ares scrip, and that to buy 96 nuyen worth of Renraku scrip, and then buy 95 nuyen with that, I've laundered the money a bit, taken my cut, and given you most of your money.

Quote Originally Posted by Codemus View Post
Q. Toxic mages. I've wanted to play one since I've first laid eyes upon em, but they kinda don't mesh well with standard runners (the ones who know anything about them, that is). Is there a way around that, to make it more of a team player? Maybe go with the Sterilist or Havoc agenda and twist around its goals?
Pretty much the point of toxic mages is that they don't play well with others, except toxics who share their philosophy.