Quote Originally Posted by Landis963 View Post
So I've been having a bit of trouble with getting Arrusif to blow up and walk away.
Well. Arrusif wakes up. He's a bit groggy, but alive. Then he realizes he's a shambling horror. He was ready for that, but the reality of the situation is still pretty rough to accept. But still, he's alive. He's got his power, he's got a couple of good friends, at least one of whom was willing to resurrect him and build an entire race of fire mages to help him out. And he's got his reputation. He's remembered as one of the founders of a civilization, worshiped at least in name as a god...

Quote Originally Posted by Arrusif
Oh. Oh you bastard . My name has been erased and replaced with the person/reptile who ruined my life!? That...that's not acceptable. But I'll let it pass for now. I've still got friends, the Minds. They'll...

They won't help me. Hell, Salaa and Aqua don't want anything more to do with me. Salaa calls me a "destabilizing element". Aqua isn't interested in an Inter-Mind War by picking a fight with Obsid. And the way they look at me...like I was some troll swimming in filth. I'm an uncomfortable reminder of their mortal lives. But surely, Dekon...

"Take the long view"? Et tu, Dekon? You want to play in your garden. Of course you do. You'd all rather I went away. Well, that's what I'll do. I have no life to lose. I shall march on Obsid alone, if I must.

My...my own power burns! How...? My body, these vines, cannot withstand fire magic. But that's all I have left! Why? Damn you! Damn you, you all planned this! Glutting yourselves on magical power and laughing at my back!

You think you've won, Obsid? You vile reptile! You haven't won. Even a Dragon must take care he doesn't burn. And...and I know exactly what can do it. You'll see.

You'll all see! You will all watch, helpless! as I ascend beyond your pitiful perceptions and frailties. You have forgotten the powers we once contested, and you have forgotten the daring of Alabas.

You will all see...

I think he's got some pretty good reasons.