Quote Originally Posted by lunar2 View Post
i actually have a "zombie" question. remember the zombieland movie, where zombies are caused by mad cow disease jumping to humans? that got me thinking about genetic engineering gone wrong.

the premise is this:

some scientist makes a virus that delivers new genetic material/alters existing material, whatever. this new material alters the way humans heal, cutting healing times roughly in half, and allowing limbs and stuff to eventually grow back. there are 2 main drawbacks to this, though.

1. the brain now regenerates over a period of roughly 6 months, causing memory and skill loss. basically, if you haven't used a particular piece of information in the last 6 months, you don't have it anymore, causing a progressive loss of memory, advanced skills, etc. it wouldn't effect skills used on a regular basis, such as walking, running, or basic tool use, since those get rewritten often enough not to be significantly affected.

2. the increased healing rates and faster cell replacement drastically increase metabolism, causing a need for large amounts of food.

the end result: a creature that looks mostly human, but operates at a nearly instinctive level, and is almost always hungry. it would probably take a few days for the first symptoms to show up (increased appetite and/or rapid weight loss), with full transformation taking as much as a year.

would this be a realistic zombie?
Pretty sure this is the plotline for I am Legend. Retrovirus inserting DNA into humans that over time alters them to where the uninfected don't even recognize them as humans.

Maybe explain it as a virus that results in rapid cell regeneration and growth. First noticeable impact will be quicker healing, bigger appetite and metabolism. Over time more and more out of control cell divisions occur, resulting in tumors. Tumors in the brain quickly reduce mental capabilities, ones around the body can result in disfigurement. Reduced vision, dexterity, intelligence, increased strength and constitution. Deformed mad beasts that are hard as hell to get rid of.