Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
Ding ding ding! We gave a winner!
Barb is currently knocked out, yes.
Doth just continues overseeing the tower mining, it would take a while for some stray miner in the caves to find Barb and think she's some sort of Beautiful Mare in trouble or something and get her back to the surface

Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
Aero and Mile
Aero laughed.
"Yeah, it'll feel like that for a while. Come on, you should probably go rest. You want that arm to heal, right?"
He starts walking in the direction of the apartment he rented.
Mile would follow a bit slower since he's on 3 legs. But In the way, they would find Aisis and Luka, sitting in the cake-bar thing, along.....A bard, a dark armored paladin and a Cleric of Celestia. Mile then notices both his brothers and rushes to glomp Aisis, making her spill part of her drink on the table cuz of surprise

"Sis Sis! we got a home! my friend got us a home!"
"Oh really?" she looks up and sees Aero just outside "That's really-.... what happened to your shoulder?"
"wha?" the blue colt was just focused on a pretty oversized cheesecake