Quote Originally Posted by Math_Mage View Post
Interpreting the description in its full context, not to mention with its actual wording, leads us to the conclusion that Trap Sense makes the rogue more sensitive to the effect of a trap, rather than to the potential existence of one.
Quote Originally Posted by Omergideon View Post
And Guison, had not thought about it that way. You know this combined with some other bits makes me think That those who call T a send up (in some ways) of people who play Genre Savvy/rules abuse too far have a point. Not convinced, but it seems possible.
Quote Originally Posted by Math_Mage View Post
So the discrepancy between what happened and the mechanic you're referencing is a joke...except without anything to indicate any sort of joke whatsoever. [...] In short,
So my point is that Tarquin bends the rules because he's the type of PC who sits there and argues over the text of Trap Sense. It doesn't matter how we think it is *suppose* to work. That's irrelevant. He is the player who says, "but it says 'an intuitive sense that alerts her' and I want to roll a reflex save to get in front instead of avoid. Oh it is an arrow? I have snatch arrow."

And this strip shows development on OOTS' side to design a trap that allowed for - and perhaps expected - for Tarquin to do just that. Roy deserves an XP bonus.

As I said before, I think it will be explained in future strips although maybe not the next one as it will likely be dedicated to battle.

And by battle I'm hoping to see Durkon cast Fire Storm while Haley fires off a bunch of arrows. I'm sure some of them have likely have "Protection from Fire" going on, but it might take out one member at least and would hurt the rest.

Meanwhile Elan could try to be useful and cast Song of Discord. Okay, I know, he's probably not going to be useful... but alas. Even if only Nale failed this will save I'm sure Malack would greatly enjoy the result. But at least he could cast haste, or something.