Quote Originally Posted by Eurus View Post
So, end-of-the-world scenarios aren't too uncommon. It's all but directly implied that they happen on a semi regular basis, or would if not for the distant intervention of eldritch mage horrors and the like.
Not quite. A ton of them are prevented by Wizardthulu, it's true, but the wonderful nature of the nWoD is that it is, in many ways, self-policing. Second Sight, for example, has a whole chapter dedicated to how ordinary mortals prevent this kind of thing on a regular basis themselves. Hunters obviously have a tie into it, Mages constantly fight the Abyss, that kind of deal. Part of the reason the whole world is going to hell, though, is everyone's so busy preventing the apocalypse that no one's doing the 'maintenance work', as it were, or sometimes even actively contributing to the problem.

WizardThulu handles the Thulu level issues, but there's plenty of others, y'know?