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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Jan 2008

    Default Re: General WoD Discussion #2: Its time to Celebrate!

    Quote Originally Posted by CN the Logos View Post
    Not that you don't know it, since you've been making WoD related posts on this board for longer than I've been playing the game, but it bears emphasis: NWoD mortals are really fragile.
    Fragile, they may be; I just find it odd that they can survive several minutes after being completely exsanguinated, and can even be saved from death at that point.

    Quote Originally Posted by CN the Logos View Post
    Also, throwing the name "Stephanie Meyer" around like some sort of Your Vampires Suck trump card needs to stop. Not just from you, from everyone. Because the people I hear using it are generally defending Anne Rice style vamps that have about as much in common with vampire folklore (or even the Victorian horror fiction that codified the modern vampire) as Twilight's sparklepires. Not that there's anything redeeming about Meyer's writing, but you can't criticize her on fidelity to the original mythology when you're playing a game that involves vampires who get together in their vampire courts to discuss vampire politics.
    That's not why her vamps suck, though - it's that she keeps trying to say, "Oh, but it's not magic - look at all this science, which, by the way, I didn't actually research before writing this stuff."
    Last edited by TheCountAlucard; 2012-07-23 at 03:24 PM.
    It is inevitable, of course, that persons of epicurean refinement will in the course of eternity engage in dealings with those of... unsavory character. Record well any transactions made, and repay all favors promptly.. (Thanks to Gnomish Wanderer for the Toreador avatar! )

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