Hoodoo Forest
Quote Originally Posted by Terumitsu View Post
[Hoodoo Forest]

Well, the wolf had overextended itself in a rather risky attack so very shortly it was indeed rammed into a pillar of rock. Yet, there didn't seem to be as much give as would be expected. Still, the wolf was somewhat shaken by the blow and would likely be pinned there unless the iguana had only tossed it's head rather than intended to keep the wolf in place.

If the wolf was able to move some, though, then it would try squeezing out from between rock and lizard, leaving a bit of a dull red stain on the stones from it's earlier wound. That would be a rather involved action, though, so it was unlikely it could do much aside from that beyond readying itself for the next offensive.

But if there was room for it, then the wolf would try kicking a bit of dirt and sand in the iguana's face. Apparently it really wanted to blind it's foe.

The wolf manages to slip away with ease as the iguana pulls its head away. It turns in a quick quarter-circle before opening its massive jaws and lunging on the place the wolf was, only to snap closed on thin air. With a hiss of displeasure, the iguana turns again to face the wolf. It lifts one leg to charge forward, only to have a cloud of sand and small stones kicked in its face. For a moment the iguana recoils, its large round eyes shut tight against the tiny pieces of rubble. Then, with a shake of its head, it charges forward. It rushes blindly at the wolf, clearly intending to use its greater mass as a sort of impromptu battering-ram. And maybe gore the wolf on its tusks.

Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post

Since vampires are nocturnal, Mateo feels more comfortable at night than during the day. He's aware there's many large nocturnal predators, but he trusts his abilities enough that he's not particularly scared. Nervous, yes; concerned about what the Huntress wants to kill, yes; but not frightened.

So Mateo looks around his area and moves quickly and quietly off into the forest, keeping all his senses fine-tuned. If there's danger nearby, he'll either see it, hear it, or smell it- hopefully before it sees, hears or smells him.

As Mateo moves through the forest, he is not presented with any clear and visible threats. For the moment, nothing seems quite willing to challenge him.

However, he does notice three interesting things. First, as he passes by a river, he can smell something decaying coming from somewhere, as well as an over-bearing scent of burnt moss. Second, in the mud of the river he notices several sets of hoof-prints. Depending upon Mateo's familiarity with all things equine he may or may not be able to identify them, but they over-lap and mix so often that it's impossible to tell how many there were passing. Second, from a far-off grove, he can make out a soft glow; purple mixed with gentle greens.