Time for a rundown on the Gatorfolk!

  • A quote is usually encased in quotation marks and is usually italicized.
  • Let, not being a proper noun, shouldn't be capitalized. But if the comma before it is changed to a semi-colon, you'll be fine.

  • I think you meant "most advanced", not "move advanced".
  • I think you meant "most advanced in relation to the". As you have it right now it sounds like Gatorfolk are the most evolved version of Kobolds and Lizardfolk instead of being the most evolved reptilian humanoids (unless you meant the former).
  • It should be a semi-colon after Kobolds, not a comma.
  • I think you meant "their self-declared" or "self-proclaimed" or something similar, instead of "the self entitled".

Physical Description
  • I think you want something like "Though their eyes will appear normal, they will become more slanted and reptilian when entering certain trances or consuming specific mutagens or chemicals. This is a sign that their vision is clouded and they will be liable to attack friend and foe alike." instead of "Though their eyes will appear normal but when they enter certain trances or consume mutagens they will become slanted like reptilian eyes, this is a sign their vision is clouded and will attack allies and enemies".

  • The first sentence is just one, long run-on sentence.

  • I think you meant "at odds with most races" instead of "on odd ends to most races".
  • There should be a comma between races and preferring.
  • You forgot the e in shed.
  • I think you want something like, "preferring to shed blood in lieu of polite diplomacy." instead of "preferring to shd more blood then save".
  • The first sentence is just one, long run-on sentence.
  • I think you meant "lessers" instead of "lesser".

Racial traits
  • There should be a space between the +2 and Strength.
  • You did not fill in the rules text for medium size.
  • I think you meant "Speed", not "Speeds".
  • There should be a space between the colon and 30.

Well, that's all the grammar stuff for now.

  • First off, I just want to say that I love visualizing this race in my head. I definitely plan to use them in place of Lizardfolk for my setting.
  • Did you put any thought into where this evolution obsession of theirs originated from? And were they actually created for war and by whom?
  • Why are they good allies with Ratfolk, who are non-reptilians? I could see them being in an alliance of necessity, but nothing further.
  • Now, this contest doesn't require the use of the Advanced Race Guide at all, but I'd like to give you your Gatorfolk's (as is) racial breakdown and then my personal rework to give you an idea [I'll be ignoring the points for languages because I think those are asinine]:

    • Humanoid (Gatorfolk, Reptilian) - 0 points
    • Medium size - 0 points
    • Normal speed - 0 points
    • Weakness (+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma) - -1 rp [ I'm picking weakness and splitting the one -4 into 2 -2s because that's the only one that kind of works ]
    • Darkvision 60 ft - 2 rp
    • Natural Weapons - 10.5 [The price for this ability is the combination of a 10 ft reach on the weapons, having 2 claws, a tail attack and having Improved Natural attack on the Tail slap]
    • Hold Breath - 1 rp
    • Swamp Stride - 1 rp
    • Powerful Build - 3.5 rp
    • Hatred - 1 rp

    So, that's a total of 18 rp, which is about 4 points north of a regular Drow. So, powerful, but still in the range of a base race for Pathfinder.

    Now here's mine:
    • Humanoid (Gatorfolk, Reptilian) - 0 points
    • Large size - 7 points [I personally roll in the 10 ft reach. I think it's asinine to make you pay extra for it]
    • Normal speed - 0 points
    • Weakness (+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma) - -1 rp
    • Darkvision 60 ft - 2 rp
    • Natural Weapons - 5 rp
    • Hold Breath - 1 rp
    • Swamp Stride - 1 rp
    • Hatred - 1 rp

      So, by making the Gatorfolk flat Large size instead of giving a reach of 10 feet, Powerful Build and making the tail slap do damage as if the Gatorfolk was large, you shave off 2 whole points while netting +2 Strength (and -2 Dex), making them 16.

  • So, why don't these guys have a language for themselves?