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Thread: Getting Into Gaming

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Getting Into Gaming

    Would you at least increase the size one? Comic Sans is hard to read because of the minimal size of the letters, designed to get the maximum amount of letters into the minimum amount of space. It was always intended for print comics so they didn't have to increase sizes or add pages.
    With that said, you do have a point. I can think of a few games where LP's are actually quite the good idea and if you find one that matches the way you play, it can work better than an FAQ. If for example you prefer to use plot to make decisions instead of meta game reasons, a LP can make it easier to work your way through to the choices you want than an FAQ. Particularly in something like Mass Effect.
    Last edited by Triaxx; 2012-07-24 at 07:48 AM.