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Thread: Getting Into Gaming

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Getting Into Gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by SHeRUBI View Post
    Thoughts on Mass Effect as an entry point?
    Two weeks late, too bad.

    When I saw the thread, I was thinking "If you start with Mass Effect, you probably end up as a gaming snob." In a good way. This is top-level quality when it comes to games: Deep story, complex characters, rich world, lots of descisions to make, yet at the same time very linear levels. The only problem is the inventory system, which is waaaay... too complex for way too little gain, but with someone who knows RPGs and this game well to help, it shouldn't be much of a problem. Otherwise, it's really beginner-friendly.
    Overall, the series is perfect to show what video games can be. On the downside, it also is what most video games can never come even close to. With this as your baseline, most games will fall short.
    Quote Originally Posted by Icedaemon View Post
    You are considering Portal and Bioshock on a console? The first person perspective works far better on the PC, especially in a game like Portal where accuracy is paramount.
    With Portal I agree. But mostly it's a case of what you're used to. When I started, I thought shoter on console is a stupid idea. But with some experience, they play just as well. Playing Halo, Bioshock 2, Modern Warfare or Mirror's Edge on console, I never have the feeling that the controlls are insufficient.

    That said: Mirror's Edge, big recommendation from me for people who lean towards the more "artsy" games out there, like Mass Effect, Portal, or Shadow of the Colossus.
    Last edited by Yora; 2012-07-24 at 07:55 AM.