[Outside NO]

A tall, hooded figure slowly makes its way up the mountain path, its large wings carrying it easily over the rougher parts of the terrain. Behind it a vaguely humanoid patch of darkness floats, powered by supernatural locomotion.

Nalhriir grunts with satisfaction as he sees the NO stronghold loom before him. That half-elf in the bar hadn't been too specific with his directions. It just so happened that the door by which he left opened to this mountain trail...it seemed too convenient to be coincidence, so he had followed it. The half-elf had said that it was as cold as Stygia...it wasn't. He had been to Stygia, and this light breeze didn't faze him in the slightest.

As he rises over a slight crest, his familiar close behind, he pauses suddenly. In the distance a craft, the type of which he has never seen before, appears to have crash landed, gouging a large furrow down the mountainside. He wondered briefly from where in the multiverse it came, but he had more important business to attend to. With a short command to the creature behind him, Nalhriir rises a little higher and begins to fly towards the base's entrance at a faster pace, the creature easily keeping up.

He settles to earth again in front of the door and calls out to whoever may be inside. "Oi, open up. I've a business proposition fer yer higher-ups."