Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
"Well, it's just you could imagine much better if y'saw me workin', not many folks have seen sand-sculptin' firsthoof, er, not that I'm sayin' your imagination ain't up for it, it's just somethin' that, y'know, could be..." Sandy threw up his forehooves in defeat. "Aw, forget th' whole thing. I'd be happy t'model fer you, whenever you'd like t'start."

"Maybe tomorrow, the sign needs to get painted first,"
She hovered over and seemed to be studying him like a specimen.

"Anyways, we need to first get a nice big canvas....err sheet...or something. To paint on."

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"Huh. Now that you reminded me, I haven't seen him since yesterday." Silverpine scratched his head. "Wonder where he could have gotten to?"

"Who knows, let's go grab brunch and then visit him, maybe he's home,"
She said as she began to brush her mane a bit. Silverpine might have noticed it smelled of cucumber melon, a little mane wash she had at the sleepover.

(It can be handwaved that they eat brunch off screen and are on their way to sandy's)