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    Ogre in the Playground
    Doorhandle's Avatar

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    May 2011

    Default Re: Things I May No Longer Do While Playing III: I May Not Iron Heart Surge Rule Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by byaku rai View Post
    *The ability to create stable time loops is a privilege, not a right.

    *If I use the time-looping ability so much that time-clones of me and my party become a non-negligible demographic of their own within society, I deserve what I get.
    **Especially when the party is a Neutral Evil housecat obsessed with fire, a Killoren Druid Fluttershy, a constantly drunk draconic gnome rogue, and a halfling cleric with a pet hellhound.

    *Oddly enough, I /am/ allowed to use the time loops to abuse the heck out of the stock market.
    **However, I am /not/ allowed to use the massive amount of accumulated wealth until the final loop.

    *The timeclones aren't allowed to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing. Unless they're supposed to, in which case they will whether they're allowed or not.

    *I may only explode my fellow players' brains once per session.
    **If I start doing crazy things with the time travel, it is within my fellow players' rights to ask that I chart the timeflow out.
    *** If the chart ends up looking like something out of a topographical mathematician's LSD trip, that plan is to be discarded.
    ****If the plan gives the party any sort of mechanical, time-based advantage in a battle other than the ability to come back and try again if we're about to lose, it is also to be discarded.

    *The time-loop spell is not to be given to anyone with 'Chaotic' in their alignment, on general principle.
    **The time-loop spell is not to be given to anyone with an Intelligence score below 18, also on general principle.
    ***There is a minimum Intelligence threshold for creating plans that span multiple loops. If there is only one party member who is over that threshold, then that is how things are.

    *We are to assume that the timeline we are on is the Alpha timeline, and not do contrary things on the off chance it isn't.
    Details about your campaign. Please.

    As a DM:
    *I may no longer create a giant gingerbread castle as the next dungeon for the party
    **I may no longer stock said dungeon with Warforged refluffed as gingerbread men.
    ***The dungeon may not be filled with perversions of sugary cereal mascots as its major encounters, no matter how badass I can make Tony the Weretiger, Count Chocula, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, or "The Cookie Crisp Heirarchy."
    ****While travelling through the sewer system of the castle, a large red water elemental encased in glass construct armor cannot burst through the wall yelling "OH YEAH!!!" and bodyslamming the warmage into a wall.
    *****If the party almost dies to a BBEG named "The Confectioneer" they have a right to pelt me with candy of their choice.
    Y'know, I have ALLWAYS wanted to send a group of players to the elemental plane of candy. I mean, there's enough precedent for it in video-games....

    **May not raze a forest to find captors.

    ***May not finance the construction of a highway over the charred remains of said forest to cut down travel time again and make travel between towns safer.
    the idea of razing the forest to find their foes? Common P.C tactic.
    Building a highway on it so they can get to their foes faster? Ingenious.

    **** If the ogre we were fighting yanks the sword out still attached to the surrounding rock, I am not allowed to swear fealty to the ogre.
    ....*PLOTLINE FUEL.*
    Last edited by Doorhandle; 2012-07-27 at 02:36 AM.
    Can't write. Can't plan. Can draw a little.
    Quote Originally Posted by Craft (Cheese) View Post
    "In his free time, he gates in Balors just so he can kill and eat them later!"