Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Hay Bale grabbed the offending pony and slammed her hoof straight into his jaw. There was a crack of breaking bone, and she continued pummeling the son of a bitch, her eyes still glowing red like demonfire.

After the pony was good and broken, she snarled, This was a fake-out you idiot! The oldest trick in the F***ING BOOK TO CATCH A POISONER!! She then threw him at the walls of the halls, snarling like an animal.

Her shade laid forlorn on the dirt.
(Well, just the walls of outside, since they're outside ^^)

Balboa gestured with a hoof as his guards flew in after them to break them apart as he stood up and dusted himself off.. "Now now Miss Hay Bale, let's not kill him, having somepony killed on my property...in public eye, is not good taste." He said picking up her shades and hanging them from his bow tie to give to her in a moment.

The other gardeners were pretty much frozen in fear and confusion as Astrid and Pennyworth went into situation control mode and moved them away and took them inside away from the scene.

The poisoner gurgled and spurted blood from his mouth, eyes swollen with double black eyes, a busted lip, looked like a mess really. Balboa walked over to Hay Bale and put a hoof on her shoulder. "That's enough, for now, Miss Hay Bale, thank you."