Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post
Tardis used Time Warp! Again!

What I'm curious about is the role of the Daleks in the last few seasons.

Why did they agree to the Pandorica Alliance? They would never agree to that just to save their own hides, would they? The Sontarans would be happy to play the heroes if their honor demanded it, the Cybermen want to grow, but the Daleks were A-OK with wiping out all realities with one bomb, why would they degrade themselves so much for the sake of one universe?

But they almost had to be the motive force behind the Alliance. They are the only ones with established time-travel capacity at this point, thus explaining how contemporary races such as Slitheen, Sycorax, and Atraxi could be at Stone Henge.

So what I am curious about is whether the Daleks are actually playing a larger role in events. What connection could the have to the Silence or the Fall of the Eleventh?
I figured they were working with someone who was causing the TARDIS to malfunction and the deal was that they get the Doctor imprisoned and the last TARDIS would be up for grabs (theirs) however they didn't know their "ally" was setting the TARDIS up to blow up taking all of reality...
I believe Omega was the main suspect in that, but it would explain why they created the alliance and how they had aliens who should otherwise know they were talking porkie's!