At the sound of the mention of another lady approaching, Anthony's head snaps back but is dismayed to see an matronly woman approaching. Damn it... hmm she's not that bad, I have done much worse (dear god don't think of that time with that giant and the donkey, find your happy place find your happy place) and the 'chaste' ones can be rather kinky after a mug of ale or ten... yes, I think it is time for a challenge, she can flog my bishop any day.

When the elf lass speaks Anthony refocuses on here but is not really listening to her speak, more of trying to undress her with his one eye Bah, what are you doing man!? You remember those elves are terrible in the sack not to mention this one looks like she has two pebbles on a cutting board for a chest! "Ahem ugh, yeah, I be Anthony, former Shield Warden of House Atreidies, most call me bull though especially the ladies ahahahaha!" He inspects the young templar before him This one is barely out of diapers, hopefully he doesn't panic mid battle like scared cattle... though he seems to be fine looking, wonder if he prefers brunettes or red heads, it has been a long time since I had a proper wingman...

"The only wood I know of templar is the one between me legs, though I can say they probably have been travelled more than the Ashewoods!" Grinning broadly, his splitting headache began to slowly disapate, though he was tempted to head back to the brothel...Damn, forgot to ask for an advance, bloody Thor playing a banjo! He breaks out of thought long enough to see the scathing glance thrown his way from the elf. He replies with an incredulous look "Why you be looking at me for? Do I have something on my face, a warrior never drinks before battle but then again since it be no proper battle I shall partake in a little company this evening." He turns to the youthful knight "Care to join me pup, I promise ye will see and do things that will make a demon blush?"