Quote Originally Posted by Reluctance View Post

Let me spell this out, for the umpteenth time in this thread.

Nice girls will put their heads together, and try to put together tricks to help you work on your courage and skills beyond simply repeating "women are people!" ad nauseum. They'll do this in their own way, in their own time. Because just because they like helping people does not mean they don't have a whole rest of their life as well.

Nice girls will not, and should not be expected to, take one for the team. They will not date someone they're not attracted to, as an investment on the off chance that it helps him get his **** together. Not unless they're professionals, and someone's paying them for a longer term role.
Did I say dating? I don't remember saying dating. Please point out where I said dating. What I remember saying was exposure. You know, geeky guys being seen as human and not the plague. But since school tells us that it's not cool to be seen around the non-jocks, the problem is going to continue. Especially when the only guys that geeky guys see getting and hanging out with girls are the jocks and the jerks.

And if what you say is true, then I never knew any nice girls. At least, not ones interested in helping me. Every girl I know just says she doesn't know what to do for me, or tells me to just "wait for things to happen".

I can tell you, Sholos, to try getting involved in an activity where you deal with people on a regular basis so that you're forced to develop social skills outside of your main circle. (Dancing and acting sound good, off the top of my head.) I can try to think of ways to get the unfortunately unwashed nerd masses to get out of their shells and learn about hygiene. But effecting change to the degree that girls like Kitty aren't treated like sideshow freaks by their peers is beyond my three pounds of brain meat at the moment.
Dancing classes aren't free and theater takes way too much time. And now that I'm out of school I can't really show up to random clubs. And there's not a whole lot of activity for adults out of college anyways, especially in my areas of interest.

Quote Originally Posted by Reluctance View Post
When both sides understand that friendship involves meeting halfway, female friends are handy and awesome even if nothing directly comes of it. (There's a reason one of my pointers to the eternally lovelorn guys around here is "get to have female friends who will give you fashion pointers and a female POV". Real friends are the ones who'll give you tips instead of empty cliches, while the process forces said dudes to learn how to interact normally with women.)
Well then I guess I've pretty much been friendless my whole life. Not that I really thought any differently. The only advice I've gotten so far is "stop caring about it and it'll happen". Which... is less than helpful. Oh, and, "You can find someone at work." Because that's a wonderful idea.