Quote Originally Posted by Sholos View Post
Dancing classes aren't free and theater takes way too much time. And now that I'm out of school I can't really show up to random clubs. And there's not a whole lot of activity for adults out of college anyways, especially in my areas of interest.
What, specifically, are your areas of interest? For this, "video games" is WAY too broad; do you like a specific genre of game (RTS, FPS, RPG, MMO, etc), a specific game (Sims, Civ, WoW, Diablo, etc)? Board games? What type of board games? Euro-style co-op type games (Pandemic, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, etc), more traditional board games (chess, checkers, etc), American-style head-to-head games (Monopoly, Risk, etc)? Reading? What genre/author/book?

Hopefully that gives you the type of specifics that might help us give you ideas of where/how to look. Whether you're in a major city, college town, or more rural area may influence things as well.

For me, the major interests that I have used to find people I like hanging out with include chemistry (work, essentially), soccer, Euro-style board games, and D&D 3.x/PF. I have made friends and/or improved friendships with all of these as catalysts. After that initial connection, it's just a matter of finding out if there's an ability to maintain something. Unsurprisingly, I've met a LOT of people who I either didn't connect with, or actively want to avoid seeing again in all of those areas, as well.